
Meet Veggie Clock (Our Latest)

Get to know our latest app – Veggie Clock. It’s new, different, and cool. Cute, Fun & Healthy Veggie Clock Icon
Get Veggie Clock today on Google Play or Amazon Appstore:
Button to get the app on Google Play Button to get the app in the Amazon Appstore
Visit the Veggie Clock website for more information about Veggie Clock.    


WhitneyApps Wallpaper Apps on NOOK HD and HD+

New NOOK HD Live Wallpaper App Versions
Hi, NOOK users!
We have revised our live wallpaper apps for NOOK HD and NOOK HD+ (which is quite nice, by the way). Barnes & Noble changed out the way to change wallpapers by surprise so if you load an older version of the app, the “Change Your Wallpaper” button will crash the app. As of version 2.1 of Space Journey and version 2.0 of Santa Cruz Flowers, the buttons will work correctly, and you’ll enjoy the new HD goodness.

Old verison workaround: The older apps will still work as live wallpaper if you long press an empty area of the home screen, choose wallpapers, choose live wallpaper, and choose the wallpaper of your choice. But the new versions are available so you might as well upgrade and enjoy!

Timeframe: Space Journey 2.1 is now in the Nook Apps Shop.  Santa Cruz Flowers became available on November 15 (yay!).

Steve @ WhitneyApps

Space Journey Moving Wallpaper:
NOOK App : Space Journey Moving Wallpaper
Santa Cruz Flowers Moving Wallpaper NOOK App : Santa Cruz Flowers Moving Wallpaper

Visit the stars with Space Journey Moving Wallpaper

Available now for the NOOK Color™ by Barnes and Noble (and for other Android-powered devices later this fall), Space Journey Moving Wallpaper makes your home screen into a portal to stars, nebulae, and even galaxies using breathtaking images from the Hubble Space Telescope.  Space Journey Moving Wallpaper slowly moves your point of view from one part of the image to another, letting the details unfold.  After a few journeys, it fades to a new image and a new exploration begins.

Learn more and see more on the Space Journey Moving Wallpaper product page.

Available for 99 cents in the NOOK App Shop.