
CardDroid Math 2.6 is here and it’s HOT!

CardDroid Math 2.6 brings new rewards for perfect scores

It’s here now and it’s HOT!  Right now, it’s the #1 educational app and the #83 paid app in the Amazon Appstore and #49 in the NOOK Apps Shop.

Top 100 and #1 Educational AppBalloon Reward Screen

Make a perfect score and get a new reward!  Some color schemes have poppable balloons as a reward and others have tappable fireworks. (There’s even a secret, hidden “micro game” in the balloon screen. Shhh!) You get spinning stars too.

Update: The most recent versions include micro games on each of the perfect score screens and also unlock a new display style called “doodle” after you spend enough time doing math practice.

Still 99 cents and the upgrade is free to current customers:

Button to get the app on Google PlayButton to get the app on the Amazon Appstore

Balloon Reward ScreenFirewards reward screen


Meet Veggie Clock (Our Latest)

Get to know our latest app – Veggie Clock. It’s new, different, and cool. Cute, Fun & Healthy Veggie Clock Icon
Get Veggie Clock today on Google Play or Amazon Appstore:
Button to get the app on Google Play Button to get the app in the Amazon Appstore
Visit the Veggie Clock website for more information about Veggie Clock.    

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New! Release 1.4 of Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devotions now in Android Market

Version 1.4 of Faith’s Checkbook is available in the Android Market today.

The big new feature is a link from each day’s Bible reference to the Bible Gateway website so you can read that verse and the verses around it in the version you choose!

There are also other small fixes and typo fixes.

Check it out and let us know what you think!!  (More information at

NOTE: Version 1.3 only lived a few hours because of some Bible reference typos that are much more visible when there are hyperlinks involved.

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Just Released Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devotion app for Android!

Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotion iconWhitneyApps is proud to present, Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devotion (or in the 30 characters allowed by the Android Market, “Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devo” :-))

Screenshot from Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotion screenshotNow available free in the Android Market (for the glory of God!)

Christians will find encouragement and inspiration in 366 daily devotional messages  written by Charles Spurgeon, known as “The Prince of Preachers” over 100 years ago.

Read today’s devotion, check out devotions from other days, or share the devotion to bless someone else!

Read more at the Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devotion page.

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CardDroid Math – Small Timer Fix (version 1.2)

Our crack team of testers found a small problem in version 1.1 so we’ve released a fix. Version 1.2 eliminates a problem with switching the timer on and then off again while continually playing games.
Thanks for the feedback! Keep it coming:

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CardDroid Math Version 1.1 Released!

The first revision of CardDroid Math came out today!

This version adds an optional timer in case that motivates you.  I had a contest with my son, and it added some excitement to his math practice.  You can turn it on in the settings under “Show Timer.”

The other features are really minor, but you can find a complete list at

Have fun and please let us know what you’d like to see at!

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CardDroid Math is Now Available!

Flash cards were never this fun!
With CardDroid math, color and sound help kids learn math anywhere!  Kids’ voices and the chance to earn colored stars offer encouragement along the way as you learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or division.  Difficulty levels cover all learners from preschool on up.

Available now in the Android Market for 99 cents.
Learn more on the CardDroid Math page.  Check out some screen shots below.  (We’ll have to make you a video for you since it’s so much more fun with the kids’ voices and musical sound effects.)

Find it on the Android Market at

QR code for CardDroid Math on Android Market

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CardDroid Math Is Coming!

Getting ready to release CardDroid Math – a fun learning tool to help kids (and adults) with math facts. We’re just polishing it up now (and running it through the all-important “kid testing.”)  Take a sneak peak at

CardDroid Math is something that I as a parent want.  Our family spends a lot of time waiting, and CardDroid Math will help our kids to learn while we wait in lines, in the car, a a siblings baseball game…  Our preschooler is already learning addition and subtraction in the preschool mode (numbers from 1 to 6 only).

We hope you find it helpful too!

Steve and the WhitneyApps Team